New Locks for a New Home

Suburban Horror Story: What You Should Do When You're Locked Out

by Alfredo Griffin

Most suburban horror stories don't involve being chased around by a knife-wielding maniac. They involve standing in front of your front door. The door is locked. You don't have a key. Whether you lost your key, left in a hurry and forgot to take it with you, or had the door unexpectedly close and lock behind you—you're now experiencing a lockout. Your objective is to get back inside as soon as possible, and you need to quickly assess your available options. 

Family and Friends

In all the time that you've been living in your home, have you ever given someone a spare key? It might have been a family member, friend, or neighbor—perhaps so they could keep an eye on the place while you were on vacation. It might have been so long ago that you forgot about it. A quick phone call might be all it takes to get a replacement key on its way to you.


Do you rent your home? Your landlord will have a spare key and should be able to get it to you without delay. You might not be thrilled at the idea of admitting to your landlord that you've lost your key, but if the lock must be changed or rekeyed as a security measure, this is clearly not information that can or should be withheld. If the key has merely been left inside, and so the lock is still secure, you may just have to (mildly) inconvenience your landlord.

Getting Creative

If these options are not available, you may have to get creative. Are there any open windows at home? What's more, are there any open windows you can safely climb through without injuring yourself? This may be only possible if the door unexpectedly locked behind you—and you weren't intending to go out, so you didn't secure your home. Exercise caution, and refrain from breaking a window or door to gain entry. This is an easy way to hurt yourself while causing more damage than you thought would occur. Additionally, your home is not secure until the damage has been repaired.

The Fastest Option

Calling a locksmith doesn't have to be a last resort. Many locksmiths provide a lockout service, intended to have someone at your home urgently—treating the situation like the emergency it could be. A qualified locksmith can have the door unlocked within moments, and this may prove to be a much faster option than calling someone who has a spare key and then waiting a while for them to arrive, and it can certainly be much safer than trying to break into your own home.

Being locked out is a huge inconvenience, but it doesn't have to be an inconvenience that lasts. Reach out to a lockout service near you to learn more.
